Helpful Remedies and Recipes for Facial Skin Rejuvenation

Youth is what every woman wants to maintain for a long time. For this reason, they will spare no effort and procedures, no matter what they are, no matter their strength, and no matter their money. But what if there's no way to go to an expensive salon, but you really want to look beautiful, youthful and spectacular? Skin rejuvenation can be done even at home, and cheap drugstore creams and "grandmother's" recipes will help.

"Grandma's" Recipe

The beauty of a woman who has not faded for many years has long been talked about, because a woman has always been able to take care of herself to be beautiful. Facial rejuvenation can be done at home using folk recipes and products that every housewife has.

skin rejuvenation folk remedies

Almond and Buckwheat Flour Scrub

Skin loses its self-cleaning properties with age, so you'll need to help it remove dead cells with a scrub.

  1. To prepare the product, take 3 washed and sun-dried apricot (peach) seeds and run them through a coffee grinder (preferably in a mortar beforehand to avoid damaging the unit).
  2. After that, mix the stone powder with the buckwheat flour in a ratio of 2: 1 tsp.
  3. Now add 2 drops each of tea tree oil, grapeseed oil, wheat germ oil, and jojoba oil to the mixture.
  4. Mix well, then apply to face, rubbing in circular motions. Wash off with lukewarm water.

Clay Anti-Wrinkle Mask

Clay contains vitamins and minerals that aging skin lacks. There are various folk recipes that use the magic mud, but this one is universal and suitable for any type of skin.

  1. Take 1. 5 tsp. Blue, black, white clay, add 2 tablespoons. l. Warm milk and 1 tbsp. l. Heavy cream or sour cream.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the clay dissolves, then apply the mask to your face.
  3. You need to leave it on for an hour and then wash off with boiling water or milk.
face mask to rejuvenate the skin

After surgery, apply an oily, nourishing cream.

Citrus Mask

Note, not suitable for allergy sufferers! Citrus fruits contain high doses of vitamin C, a well-known antioxidant, and you can use it not only as a fruit inside but also as a skin mask.

  1. When cooking, you will need 1 tablespoon. l. Orange juice, lemon juice, grapefruit juice.
  2. The juice must pass through the gauze so that there are no pulp particles in it.
  3. Add 1 tsp to the freshly prepared mixture. Blue clay, buckwheat and soy flour.
  4. Apply the mask to a clean face, let it sit for an hour, then rinse off with water and a little sparkling water. After applying the mask, apply a layer of fat cream.

Honey Mask with Spices

Faraway India is known for folk recipes of honey and spices that make women look young even at 50. Mask honey should be liquid, preferably acacia or buckwheat.

  1. Warm up 1 tablespoon. l. Honey to 40 degrees, then pour in 1/3 teaspoon. Cinnamon, Turmeric, Nutmeg.
  2. Stir in the spices so they hang evenly in the honey, then apply the mixture to your face.
  3. Leave on for 2-4 hours, then wash off with lukewarm water.
  4. After surgery, don't apply a nourishing cream, but a moisturizing cream, as the fragrance can dry out the skin.

If you are allergic to honey then you can replace it with molasses, but you need to choose something natural (eg from starch) instead of sugar.

honey skin rejuvenation

herbal supplements

In addition to scrubs and masks, you will also need to use daily supplements, which will additionally hydrate and cleanse the skin's surface. It's available in any cosmetic store, but you can make natural tonics at home using folk methods. There are two variants of this tool:

  • Based on sage, oak bark, chamomile (for oily or combination skin);
  • Based on chamomile, hawthorn, raspberry leaves (for dry, normal skin).

In both cases, you will need to take an equal amount of these herbs (1 teaspoon per 400 ml of water or 1 tablespoon per liter of water), then pour into boiling water and let it sit for a few hours. The broth can then be poured through gauze into a convenient bottle or jar (sifting the liquid through the blades of grass a few times is recommended). Supplements are stored in the refrigerator and can be used 2-3 times a day.

All of these at-home rejuvenating folk remedies will work within two months if you use them regularly and in combination.

Pharmacies help in reaching out to youth

There is no need to prepare ways to maintain and restore youthful facial skin; you can buy some pharmacy ointments or creams:

  • Retinoic acid ointment;
  • solcoseryl ointment;
  • Anti-aging creams (various brands).

Retinoic acid ointment is an excellent antibacterial agent for treating various skin imperfections: acne, rashes, redness, which become stronger and take longer on the skin with age. Anything against imperfections should be applied to them point by point, and this ointment is no exception. Clean and healthy skin looks younger and more beautiful, so you need to eliminate unpleasant manifestations.

woman with new skin

Solcoseryl ointment - a drug that improves the entry of oxygen into the tissues. As we age, the pores of the skin pass this gas into the epithelium, which gradually affects its condition: it becomes dry, flaky, and the tissue loses its luster and looks dull. Apply Solcoseryl in a thin layer to the entire face and gently rub into the face. Also, for those with sensitive skin, the ointment can be "diluted" with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Anti-aging creams are an equally popular and well-publicized remedy that is believed to have truly unimaginable effects: smoothing deep wrinkles, firming skin, and more. Almost all cosmetic companies produce a line of creams for aging skin that promises a rejuvenating effect. But it should be understood that this is only part of the truth. Age-related facial makeup can indeed smooth out tiny wrinkles or smooth out unpleasant imperfections, but no product can nourish the skin with collagen and tackle deep skin folds.

The creams nourish and replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals, but they don't do any "magic". They can be used in combination with other programs, and the selection needs to focus on the specified age.

General advice

It's not enough to just smear something on your skin and hope for a miracle! You need to change your lifestyle:

  • Modify menu
  • Make a sleep schedule
  • exercise;
  • Find the best beauty treatments (massage, mask, exfoliation);
  • relieve pressure.
Healthy Foods for Younger Skin

The menu for those who want to rejuvenate should include natural products: vegetables (greens and legumes), fruits (citrus fruits), nuts and dried fruits, dairy products (except butter), vegetable oils. Groups 1 and 4 contain essential protein and B vitamins, group 2 - antioxidant vitamin C, and groups 3 and 4 contain large amounts of E, known as "youth vitamins". You can also purchase age-specific vitamin and mineral complexes.

You need to get at least 8 hours of sleep, because all the flaws of sleep deprivation are visible on tired skin, and the bags under the eyes take much longer to disappear in adult women than in younger women.

Exercise load allows the skin to breathe, enriched with oxygen, refreshes the face, smoothes wrinkles, and removes excess subcutaneous deposits.

It is also necessary to contact a beautician, as it is quite difficult to do professional massage or physiotherapy yourself.

Skin rejuvenation at home is possible, but it requires effort and all procedures must be done regularly. You can't help but follow these recommendations, only then will the skin be rejuvenated and beautiful.